Wednesday, 22 October 2008

P G Wodehouse has got a new fan

Considering i spend 20 % of my time in front of a novel, it is wierd that I hadnt picked up a PG Wodehouse yet. Maybe the reason was that i wasn't sure i will follow it. I have never liked victorian english books, or books which I need to have a dictionary around to enjoy.But my last visit to Library saw me picking up the "Small Bachelor" . And now i am cursing myself as to why I had never read him before.. He is funny to the core, not at all hard english.. and the flow of storyline keeps me in smiles. Perfect read in whatever mood you are. Decided, I am going to hunt for the rest of the collection now.

I read a lovely poem today.. check it out

The illustrator and humorist Gelett Burgess (1866-1951) once wrote a poem called The Purple Cow:
I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.

The poem became so popular and he became so closely linked with this single quatrain that he later wrote a palinode:
Confession: and a Portrait, Too,
Upon a Background that I Rue!

Oh, yes, I wrote 'The Purple Cow,'
I'm sorry now I wrote it!
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'll kill you if you quote it."

Sometimes things like these need to be captured, as you know, you are bound to enjoy them at a later point too. Snippets during the day, make memories in long run.. isnt that true..

Well better get bck to work, tata.,

1 comment:

Tanvi said...

I Loved it!! It's brings about this serene joy .. brilliant.. Write more and Write soon. Adios!